It’s Time to Build Your Brand

Stop merely surviving on the strength of what you’re selling. Discover what your company actually believes in and why it exists so you can build lasting customer relationships.

 Interactive Digital Course Book

4 Modules with Printable Worksheets

Full Course Length: 6-8 hrs | 56 pages

Purchase the Brand Foundations Course or purchase Individual Modules

Building an authentic brand is worth it. Here’s why:

Brand Wins in a Crowded Marketplace

That’s why we’ve created this brand foundations course – to give your business a competitive advantage and improve your bottom line. Yes, correctly building your brand can do that. Our course helps you unlock your brand through the discovery of your…

  • Brand Story
  • Brand Values
  • Brand Personality Traits

so your business can operate on what it actually believes in and stand out!

Introduction to our Brand Foundations Course (4 mins)

Branding expert and Resound CEO, Mike Jones, explains what this course is all about, why it’s important, and how it can help your company win, even in the midst of fierce competition.

What is Remarkabrand?

Over the past 12+ years, Resound – an award-winning branding agency – has worked with hundreds of companies to establish, grow, and transform their brand identities. Based on these client engagements – and especially the brand strategy workshops we’ve facilitated with their leadership teams – we’ve developed a highly-effective, repeatable methodology for companies to discover, unlock, and communicate their unique brand identities, growing their customer relationships and creating long-term success for their businesses. This is our Remarkabrand method!

Who is this course for?

We’ve created this course for marketing leaders, those who are responsible for establishing marketing, advertising, and communication strategies within their company.

The Brand Foundations Course is intended to give you a strong foundation for your organization’s brand before moving forward with either more specific branding (like naming and logo design) and/or marketing initiatives, like websites, content development, or advertising campaigns.

Of course, if you’re a startup founder, small business owner, or even an up-and-coming marketer, you wear the marketing hat and this course will be an invaluable tool for you as you grow your company or grow your own personal marketing skills.  

What do I get out of this course?

You will walk away from this course with these core building blocks of your brand:

  • Discovered and defined 3-5 brand values
  • Discovered and defined 3-5 personality traits
  • An authentically crafted brand story

By the end of this course, you’ll have a concrete idea of:

  • What your brand is
  • How your brand acts
  • How your brand sounds
  • How to integrate your brand into your operations

You’ll be well on your way to a remarkable, compelling brand that attracts long-lasting customer relationships.

Brand Foundations Course

Preview the Course

Take the course for a test drive and see what's inside. View the table of contents and the first five pages of the course to get a better sense of how this will help you build a solid foundation for an engaging and meaningful brand.

“‘What is your company’s brand?’ The question itself can stump a firm’s leadership. Remarkabrand has cut through the fog with their excellent course, How To Unlock Your Remarkable Brand. A series of modules containing both education and exercises provide a guide for understanding what a brand is, how to identify a brand’s values, choosing a brand persona, and more. The end result is a complete brand story to be used across all messaging outlets. Answering the ‘What is your brand?’ question is super important … and this course makes it possible.”


Steve Fales, President of Praeter Advisory

Here’s Everything You Get in the Brand Foundations Course

Module 1

What is a brand and why does it matter?

  1. Module Length: 14 Pages
  2. Time to Complete: 30-60 Minutes

What you get out of module 1:

  • Learn what a brand actually is.
  • Understand the brand equation.
  • Get a branding history lesson.
  • A discussion on the role of the logo in branding.
  • Understand why your product isn’t your brand.
  • Get data on branding’s ROI.
  • Learn how brand wins with differentiation.

Module 2

Discover your brand values

  1. Module Length: 15 Pages
  2. Time to Complete: 90 Minutes

What you get out of module 2:

  • Learn what makes a core value.
  • See examples of other company’s core values. 
  • Exercise: The Values List (discover your 3-5 core values)
  • Exercise: Defining Your Values Statements
  • Guidance on how to know if you’ve picked the right values for your company. 

Module 3

Define your brand personality traits

  1. Module Length: 11 Pages
  2. Time to Complete: 90 Minutes

What you get out of module 3:

  • Exercise: Which Represents
  • Exercise: The Traits List (discover your 3-5 personality traits)
  • Exercise: Trait Definitions
  • Exercise: The Persona
  • Learn how to put your traits to work – how to use them in your marketing and communications.

Module 4

Develop your brand story

  1. Module Length: 14 Pages
  2. Time to Complete: 120 Minutes

What you get out of module 4:

  • Exercise: Which Represents
  • Exercise: The Traits List (discover your 3-5 personality traits)
  • Exercise: Trait Definitions
  • Exercise: The Persona
  • Learn how to put your traits to work – how to use them in your marketing and communications.

Still not convinced?

The Branding ROI

A solid brand builds loyalty among your customers, and loyalty wins big for bottom line. The data confirms this:

The value of BrandZ Strong Brands Portfolio increased by 124.9% from April 2006 to April 2017, out-performing both the S&P 500, which grew 82.1%, and the MSCI World Index, which grew 34.9%.

Source: Kantar Millward Brown, BrandZ, 2017

Price Premium

High-strength brands can command an average price premium 13% higher than low-strength brands, and 6% higher than medium-strength brands.

Source: The Meaningfully Different Framework, Millward Brown, 2013.

3x Sales Volume

High-strength brands affect customers’ predisposition to choose a brand, and so deliver greater volume sales than medium or low-strength brands. Brands with high “power” scores capture 3x the sales volume of the average brand.

Source: The Meaningfully Different Framework, Millward Brown, 2013.

Brand Foundations Course: How to Unlock Your Remarkable Brand

$99.00 $450.00 EARLY ACCESS SALE


  • One-time payment.
  • Get instant access to the full brand foundations course.
  • Access to all future course book updates.
  • Access to all 4 modules including exercises appendix 
  • Course overview and instructions on how to complete
  • Instructions on how to launch your brand. 

Purchase Individual Modules


What is a brand and why does it matter?



Discover your brand values

$49.00 ($99.00)


Define your personality traits

$49.00 ($99.00)


Develop your brand story

$49.00 ($99.00)